All told, I probably spend about an hour a day combing the Internet for pictures of Uptown back in the day, and sometimes hit real pay dirt, like with this image. It's a 1955 scene of Wilson Avenue, west of Sheridan (you can see the Sheridan Plaza Hotel, with its upright marquee, in the background). You can purchase the original here: Wilson Avenue, 1955
What I love about his image is the close-up detail of the buildings; most of the other images I've found of this stretch of Wilson are taken from much further back. Enjoy!
If you have any pictures of Uptown from decades past, drop us a line. We love hearing from our readers.
I would like to correct the description of the photo. The picture is taken on Wilson Ave. but it is looking toward the east with the Sheridan Plaza Hotel in the background. It is located on the NE corner of the intersection.
I grew up in Uptown and went to school a half block from where the photo was taken.
Hi J. A. That is what the description says; it's the stretch of Wilson that is west of Sheridan. The Sheridan Plaza is on the NE corner of Sheridan and Wilson.
Hey, J Acosta, are you the same Jesse (Jesus, actually) Acosta I was a patrol boy with at Stewart? I think we were posted at Wilson and Hazel or Wilson and Sheridan. I went to your apartment a couple of times to hang out and play with your chemistry set. I remember that small electrified couch pillow you had that plugged into the wall. This would have been around 1961, give or take a year. Remember Juan Abagado?
I'm Glen Larner, but a lot of my friends called me by my nickname, Zeke. If you're not who I think you might be, sorry for the mistake.
Almost all the buildings in the foreground are gone. The one on the corner across from the Sheridan Plaza figured in a pretty big sting (involving, I think, a cop on the take). Sorry I'm fuzzy on that.
This is on Wilson between Sheridan Rd(1000W) and Broadway(1100W) now currently McDonald’s and Sonic Burgers.
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