July 20, 2013

Broadway North of Montrose, 1926 — Arcadia Ballroom, McJunkin Building

Here is a fantastic scene of Broadway just north of Montrose. You can see the exquisite blue and white terracotta building, torn down a few years ago, a rare view of the Arcadia Ballroom with Wilson Yards behind, the McJunkin building at Wilson just up the way, and far off in the distance the rooftop marquee of the recently completed Uptown Theatre. Thanks to reader Mike M. for sharing this one!

1 comment:

bill Matteson said...

thanks Joanne
Great Photo
I just took a step back in time
Now if I could figure out how to stay there.

In the mid-40's where the Hardware store is was the military surplus store
across Broadway was Simms Florists and art supply


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