This one kind of cracks me up. It's an old matchbook for the Cuckoo Club, once located at 5138 Broadway in Chicago. The outside graphic shows happy children playing with a dog. Good, wholesome family stuff. The interior image is of a nude girl with feathers ala Sally Rand.
The address puts it approximately where the former Burger King (soon to be a Dunkin Donuts) and Marathon gas station now stand.
The address puts it approximately where the former Burger King (soon to be a Dunkin Donuts) and Marathon gas station now stand.
Hey, Green Fairy, is it OK that I e-mailed you some links? I don't know if you got them (or even want to receive such mail unsolicited), but I was pleased with my find!
Hey Jeff,
I haven't gotten into the habit of checking that e-mail account regularly--I'll take a peek now. I love getting Uptown-related links!
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