January 2, 2008

Miracle Solution?

We spotted this old-fashioned, hand-painted wooden sign on New Year's Eve while walking down Broadway, between Ainslie and Argyle. It gave us a good giggle.


  1. I think this is a joke/piece of "guerilla art." I live in the neighborhood--on Argyle-- and I noticed it for the first time while out for a walk on Christmas Day. I stared at it for several minutes before it registered that there is no phone number, no "information" that would help the "marketed to" avail themselves of the miracle solution...but it DOES address our most American obsessions.

  2. When I was a kid, it was a treat when my mother took me to the Edgewater Beach Hotel for sundaes and to Mr. Adams Steak House for dinner in the Uptown area. When I was 21 (1967) I worked as a biller at Kailer Youngquist Oldsmobile (KYO). We often had lunch at the Golden Pheasant or the Plantation, or the greasy spoon on the corner. My friends and I would go dancing at the Cheetah (old Aragon) and there were so many movies to see at the Uptown or Riviera. The Green Mill was popular. My fondest memories were working at KYO with Bob Kailer and all the wonderful salesmen and office staff. It was a real family atmosphere – never to be repeated, but a cherished memory.

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