June 20, 2013

North Side to Get $1,000,000 Ballroom

From the archive...

North Side to Get $1,000,000 Ballroom Source: Chicago Evening American, 9 May 1925, pg. 7.
Source: Chicago Evening American, 9 May, 1925, p. 7

A new $1,000,000 ballroom will be built at the northwest corner of Lawrence and Winthrop avs., to be ready for use by the first of the year, it was announced today.

Andrew Karzas of the Trianon and Milton S. Plotke have formed a syndicate to provide for the erection of the building. Huszagh & Hill are the architects, Huszagh-Musson & Co. negotiated the deal.

The building will be four stories high and the exterior will be of Spanish design with color terra cotta and a pattern work of brick.

To Have Promenades

There will be six stores on Lawrence av. The ballroom floor, octagonal in shape, will accomodate 5,000 dancers and will rest on a series of floors calculated to give a resilience to the surface.

Two large promenades will flank the sides of the ballroom, connecting a grand salon on one end with three stages on the opposite side, which will be used for instruction and revues. Oil paintings and draperies will line the walls of the promenades.

Plans Elaborate

The ladies rest room will be fitted up with a view to boudoir excellence and telephone booths, men's smoking rooms, and first aid rooms are some of the other facilities which will be provided.

The interior specifications are more elaborate than those of the Trianon and will represent the results of a study of interiors made by Mr. Karzas in a tour of Europe in 1924.

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