June 14, 2013

Beauty of Old Spain

From the archive...

Beauty of Old Spain Is Found At the Aragon
Source: Chicago Evening American, 15 July 1926, pg. 24.

Beauty so exquisite that it transcends the loftiest imagery of the most poetic mind—immensity providing diversion and conveniences of unmatched variety. These are the two phases of the new Aragon Ballroom that will impress themselves most forcibly upon the minds of the thousands who tonight will enter the romance-laden portals of Chicago's newest and most magnificent dnace rendezvous.

What a spectacle of joyous memory it will be! A soft glow of opalescent color—stars twinkling in blue Mediterranean skies that gently enfold quaint patios and scent-filled balconades—enchanted throngs dancing under the spell of old-world romance, wafted through a golden, glamorous sphere touched by the magic world of illusion.

The lure of treasures, exotic and opulent, whispers from every nook and corner of the new Aragon, enticing dnace lovers from the ballroom floor to the discovery of endless new delights. Rare tapestries, bizarre Chinese plates, statuettes, orange trees astonishingly real in the simulation of tropical verdure, appointments breathing the spirit of Castilian grandeur. Here is the flaming beauty, the romantic glory of old Spain.

Nearly $2,000,000 Expended

Close to $2,000,000 were expended to make the Aragon the most magnificent institution of its kind in the world. That the promise of its original conception has been brilliantly fulfilled is to the everlasting credit of those associated with Mr. Karzas in the building of this wonder palace. Mr. Karzas' Trianon was an achievement; the new Aragon is a shrine to which Chicago will lead its visitors pointing to it and exclaiming, with a justifiable civic pride, "Where in the world can you find its equal?"

Every facility to insure the complete comfort of dance lovers will be found at the Aragon. Commodious checkrooms for both men and women, a handsomely appointed grande mirror salon for the convenience of milady, a clean wholesome refectory where appetizing refreshments are served by charming senoritas, carefully selected attendants who are guided in their contact with visitors by the creed, "Every patron an honored guest"; these are but a few of the myriad attractive features you will find at the Aragon.


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