July 3, 2011

Uptown, Stewart School, and the Hollywood Connection

Bill Matteson
Uptown Chicago History Correspondent

What is the Uptown connection with Josey Wales, Indiana Jones, pod people from Outer Space, and Demonic Possession?

What has all this to do with Stewart School? Well, I am glad you asked.

My graduating class of Stewart School, June 1950, had some talent. Dan Greenburg is an accomplished writer and actor. Phil Kaufman is an actor, writer, producer, and director

Phil Kaufamn wrote the dialog for "The Outlaw Josey Wales." He started out to direct, but had a confrontation with Clint Eastwood and was fired as the director. Phil (I can call him Phil because we were classmates) then went on to direct the remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."

It was Phil who came up with the storyline for "The Ark of the Covenant" to start off the Indiana Jones series, which starred Harrison Ford, who also went to Stewart School starting in about 1948. The Star Wars series also went with Harrison Ford. I call him Harrison Ford because I don't know him that well, but when we were at Stewart, I probably helped him safely across the street in my role as patrol boy, therefore giving him a heroic role model to look up to and model Han Solo and Indiana Jones after.

Dan Greenburg is a well-rounded author and actor, and was in about 10 films. He wrote over 24 TV sitcom pilots. He also wrote the screenplay for "The Guardian," which he adapted from his novel "The Nanny,"
and that movie was directed by William Friedkin

William Friedkin is probably one of the best, if not The Best director in Hollywood. Billy Friedklin directed the "French Connection" and "The Exorcist." Billy went to Stewart School, but I think he graduated in 1949; I don't really remember him.

Speaking of the Exorcist, which was a "true" story that was happening to a 12 yr old boy in St Louis. in about 1946 or 1947. My job was to report to the class all information that I could find from all the newspapers, and magazines at the time.

I also reported about the UFO wreck at Roswell; I have always held a morbid curiosity for strange and paranormal occurrences, and still do.

I find it strange to have the writers, actors and directors of the top Hollywood hits of all time come out of our Uptown neighborhood.


  1. It's a good place to start looking for past movies. There are different films that can be traced.

  2. Hey hotel los angeles
    if you know any films please list them
    there was;
    Next of Kin Parick swazie
    the Hunter steve Mcqueen
    the Fugitive harrison ford
    The dilemma

  3. When I was in H.S. I was on the El heading home and a little south of Argyle there was a back yard full lights and camera equipment. When I got off at wilson I saw Anthony Quinn standing on broadway near the entrance of the station. I believe he was filming a scene from "A Dream of Kings" this was in the late sities.
    Ther was a scene from the Michael Mann series "Crime Story" shot at Cuneo hospital. It was interesting to watch. They were at the corner of montrose and Clarendon for about 6 hrs. with all this equipment, people and about 15 or so vintage cars for a shot that could'nt have lasted more than a couple of seconds.

  4. In the movie "The Dilemma" released in 2011 there's a scene with Vince Vaughn sitting in front of Majestic's.
    Bought some fence climbers there in about 1960.

  5. I will always remember William Friedkin in his directing for the French connection because I always watched that movie when I was a kid.

  6. Thank you for the recommendation bill. I think I'll try "Next of Kin Parick Swazie" out.
