October 27, 2009

A Note on Uptown Chicago Hotels

From "Chicago Welcomes You" by Alfred Hoyt Granger, 1933:

Farther up on the north side, along Sheridan Road and its tributaries, are many hotels which will appeal to people wishing to get away from the turmoil of the city.

Among these the most amusing is the Edgewater Beach Hotel, at 5349 Sheridan Road. This building, unique and original in plan, is almost a small city within itself, and, besides the ordinary attractions of a first-class hotel, it offers to its patrons varied forms of entertainment. In the summer of 1930 a granddaughter of the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria spent a few weeks in America visiting New York, Washington, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Chicago, and on her return to Vienna told her friends that she considered the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago the most fascinating place she had visited on her tour. This great lady, for she is just that, returned to her country disappointed in only one particular and that was that none of the people whom she met could introduce her to Al Capone.

The Sovereign Hotel, at 6200 Kenmore Avenue; the Sheldrake, at 4518 Clarendon; the Admiral, at 909 Foster Avenue overlooking the grounds of the Saddle and Cycle Club; the Belmont, at 3156 Sheridan, with its beautiful view of the Yacht Harbor and Gutzon Borglum's statue of General Sheridan; the Belden-Stratford, 2300 Lincoln Park W.; the Webster, 2150 Lincoln Park W., and the Parkway, 2100 Lincoln Park W., are a few among many delightfully located hostelries on the north side, where any visitor can be sure of pleasant surroundings during his or her stay in Chicago...


  1. I used to live in the Sheldrake Hotel in the late '60's through the early '70s. At that time, the address was 4520. Would be nice to know some more history of that building.

  2. I'll see if I can dig up anything else for you. ;-)

  3. I'd also like to learn more about the Sheldrake. My great-grandparents, George & Antoinette Lipshulch are listed as living there in the 1930 US Census. George was a prominent physician and former Illinois State Assembly representative.

  4. I also lived in the Sheldrake Drake in 1968 apt.326 work at what was then Lake Shore Hospital,4848 N.Marine Dr.I would also like to know some more history of this building l do know it has been renovated since then.

  5. I also lived at the sheldrake hotel in 1968 apartment 326 I also worked at Lakeshore Hospital 4848 North Marine Drive I wss an elevator operated there I married a woman that already live there who had two kids she was a private duty nurse.

  6. I lived in the sheldrake hotel from about 1955-1968. Had a lot of great people ther.
    When you stood in the lobby facing the street there a small grocery store ther called franke & johnnies. My friends and I would get penny candy there, including squirrels, malted milk balls, sixlets , etc. As teenagers we used to read the magazines about the Beatles and all the other bands.
    There were 2 ladies who lived to the left side of the lobby, they had a beautiful apartment and a grand piano. They used to play the most beautiful music.
    On the northeast corner, there was a cleaners. A family who escaped from Cuba. Everyone was like family to us.
    River view amusement park used to have the poor deformed or strange people there in the summer, sometimes I was scared to death.
    In about 1966, the hotel was sold to Greek investors and the hotel deteriorated rapidly. They closed the 9th floor, leaving all the windows open.it became a pigeon haven filthy dirty. They made the two ladies from the lobby move, Frankie & johnnie’s closed. The cleaners closed. And people moved out almost everyone who had been there for a long time either moved away or died.
