August 11, 2009

Come See Some Treasures from the Uptown Theatre

A special day at the Sanfilippo Estate
2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009
Rain or shine
Make Your Reservation Today -- Seating is Limited

Information About the Event

Friends of the Uptown will host a special day of sightseeing and musical amusement at the one-of-a-kind Sanfilippo Estate in Barrington Hills, Illinois, in honor of the late designer and theatre historian Joe DuciBella, of Chicago.

We are fortunate to be able to offer this opportunity because Mr. Sanfilippo was one of Joe's two dream clients; the other being Willis and Shirley Johnson of Tivoli Enterprises/Classic Cinemas.

If you have not seen the Sanfilippo collection, if you have not seen it lately, or if you have friends, neighbors or family members who have not seen it at all, then we highly suggest that you put this date on your calendar and make plans to attend. You will not see anything else like it on Earth, particularly in the niche of American Victorian, Jazz Age, steam-driven and mechanical and musical amusements. The quality and scale of the things you will see here are truly beyond description.

In addition, the collection features many historical artifacts from Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Louis, including UPTOWN THEATRE treasures. What estate would be complete without a Pullman Palace Car and a French nouveau carousel?

We will spend the afternoon enjoying the Sanfilippos' artistic presentation of historical artifacts, musical machines, art, sculpture, furniture and chandeliers. We will also be treated to a theatre organ concert in the musical hall at 3:30 p.m.

Tickets are $40. Business casual attire requested. Your participation is requested. We can think of no better way to celebrate Joe and his work than to enjoy what he helped restore and create "for all time" at the Sanfilippo Estate.

Come with us, and get lost in Xanadu!

1. Ensure that you are signed up for the Friends of the Uptown list at:

2. Please send your personal check or money order in advance for $40.00 U.S., per person, payable to:

Compass Rose Cultural Crossroads
P.O. Box 409095
Chicago, IL 60640-9095

3. Compass Rose is the nonprofit that is receiving individual checks for this event. You can read about their work and collection at

4. Note: This is not a fundraiser for Friends of the Uptown nor is it a fundraiser for the theatre itself. Your ticket price includes a $30 donation to the Sanfilippo Foundation and $10 for drinks, parking attendant and other event incidentals.

5. Business casual attire is requested. Guests should arrive promptly at 789 Plumtree Road, Barrington Hills, IL 60010.

6. Bridgeview Bank Uptown has generously allowed us to offer parking space for those who wish to carpool from the bank's eastern parking lot on this day. You may email your offer or appeal to share a ride to We will compile the messages and publish them in Uptown Adviser in the coming weeks.

Related links:

Spoiler warning! The link below shows some of the Sanfilippo collection:


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