September 18, 2008

Uptown (Chicago) Polishs Its Gems...

Editor's Note: We attended the Uptown United and Business Partners dinner last week, held at the historic Saddle and Cycle Club, and had the honor of accepting an award on behalf of Graceland Cemetery for best "free and fun" spot in Uptown. Local journalist Lorraine Swanson wrote an article on the event for the News-Star:

Community leaders, merchants and residents turned out in force for the Uptown United and Business Partners, the Chamber for Uptown annual dinner last week at the Saddle and Cycle Club.The dinner celebrated the chamber's 85th anniversary and reflected on Uptown's current revival, evidenced by the new businesses moving into the neighborhood, development and restoration of vintage buildings. But the highlight of the evening was the first "Uptown Gems Awards" to community leaders and institutions which have had an impact on the neighborhood.

More than 100 different businesses and places were nominated for such categories as the most inspiring place or space, free and fun, and the best long-time or up and coming business...

More can be found

Thank you, Lorraine, for covering the event!

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