September 7, 2008

Tropicana Motel, 5440 Sheridan, Edgewater; a.k.a. Lakeside Motel

Across the street from the former Edgewater Beach Hotel stood this more humble cousin, the Tropicana. It was later known as the Lakeside Motel, and was torn down in 2005. You can see photos of this former hip hotel and its demolition here, and here.

I love these old hotels from the fifties and sixties. There's a whole stretch of them along Lincoln Avenue as you head north. I've been meaning to photograph them before they all disappear. Luckily, someone already has documented a few of them at Hooker Motels, but there are more.


  1. man, am i sad that i missed seeing this place in person. i love the architecture from that era!

  2. I know...there were a number of people kinda bummed when it was torn down.

    Definitely take a drive north on Lincoln sometime, if you haven't already; starting at about Foster you'll begin to spot the old-style hotels. One of my favorites is all the way up at Touhy: The Purple Hotel. It's, uh, very purple.

  3. yup. i've seen that one. wasn't there some big crime deal that went down there?

  4. Yeah, there was a mob hit there a while back. Lincolnwood wants to see it torn down and retail built in its place; I guess it's in pretty bad shape.
