March 16, 2008

About the Images on Uptown Chicago History

I get a lot of e-mails requesting permission to use certain images. Here's the basic policy:

All postcard images, unless noted, come from my personal collection. Go ahead and use them on your own Web site or for your own projects. When possible, please credit this site.

Many photos come from The Library or Congress or the Chicago History Museum, and are so noted. I cannot grant permission for you to use those images. Please refer to each institution's rules and regulations regarding image use.

Some images come from Flickr, and are linked appropriately. Most images on Flickr are marked "All rights reserved" by the individual artists, and cannot be used on your own Web site. However, some artists grant limited rights for use, and these are the types of images I showcase on Uptown Chicago History. I've left links to the original photos on Flickr so that users can examine the rights for individual images and determine if they can use a photo. I cannot grant permission for usage. (Check the lower right corner of the pages on Flickr to see the rights and permissions information).

I've endeavored to properly identify and obtain permission for all other images. In most cases, you should go to the copyright holder for permission to link to or use a particular image, as I cannot grant permission. Thanks!

Photo: G.M. Anderson, Essanay Film Manufacturing Company