January 19, 2008

Ring's the Thing

I know this isn't a post about Uptown's history per se, but I wanted to give a shout out that Ric Addy's been mentioned in the Sun-Times in an article about boxing.. Ric owns one of the coolest bookstores in the City, right next to the Uptown Theatre. Shake, Rattle, and Read is a neighborhood landmark.

Ric Addy, the beloved owner of Shake, Rattle and Read bookstore in Uptown, spins loud music between bouts. The master of ceremonies is Lupe Contreras, the dapper internationally recognized voice of Latino boxing. Addy likes to play Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" as "round card girls" in tight bikinis prance around the ring... (Complete article at Sun-Times.)

For a tour with Ric of Uptown's underground tunnels, check out our past post.

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