I recently received this e-mail from a reader:
"Thought you'd be interested in the story below about George Spoor's sister, Mary Louise Spoor:
By the way, great work on the Uptown History Blog. It is a tremendous contribution to the community. I check it out several times a week."
George Spoor was a co-founder of Essanay; Mary Louise was his kid sister, and an illustrator. She designed the famous film studio's Indian Head logo.
Thanks for putting this announcement on your blog. And thanks to the person who sent it to you.
I edit the SeeSaw blog, and my parents were both from Chicago, as were my grandparents. So I feel a hometown connection to the Spoors, even though my family no longer lives in Chicago.
cheers. Liza
Thanks for stopping by, Liza! We were quite thrilled to read the article.
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