October 28, 2007

Ghost Busted?

UPTOWN'S GRACELAND CEMETERY | If you're hankering for the truth behind a legendary Chicago haunting—have I got a story for you.

October 26, 2007

If you want to be spooked, Chicago's your town.

We've got the phantoms of Fort Dearborn, the spirits of Montrose Point and ol' Resurrection Mary, the ghostly hitchhiker who supposedly stalks Archer Avenue.

Clarence Darrow's ghost is said to show up at a bridge near the Museum of Science and Industry. The owner of the Red Lion Pub, Joseph Heinen, swears he's heard footsteps and a woman screaming, "Help me," on the Lincoln Park tavern's second floor. And there's plenty more ghost stories to go around.

In fact, I'm almost convinced something supernatural locked my cat in the upstairs bathroom with a bag of sea shells the night I moved in to my house in Pullman.

How much you believe any of that is really up to you. But if you're hankering for the truth behind a legendary Chicago haunting—have I got a story for you.

It starts, of course, on a dark and stormy night, Aug. 1, 1880...

See Complete Story at Chicago Sun-Times.

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