September 10, 2007

Uptown Along the Lake, Circa 1945

I believe this image was originally created in the 1940s; the postmark I have on the back of this postcard is dated 1953. The perspective is from Irving Park road, looking north. You can see Montrose Harbor in the distance.


  1. This is a great idea for a blog! I was wondering if you have any postcards showing the 800 block of Windsor Ave. in Uptown? I went the Chicago Historical Center but no dice, I've been to the antique shops which have large collections, but have never seen anything. The building I live in used to be the Windrake Hotel, if you have anything please post it! Thanks!

  2. I don't think I have anything of the 800 block of Windsor, but I'll keep my eye out. So many of the beautiful apartment and condo buildings in Uptown used to be hotels.
